All over the U.S.A. people are joining dance clubs, taking lessons at night clubs and paying lots of money to experience and learn the sensual moves of samba. American women covet the curves and sway and ease of motion that Brazilian women possess, and they are doing all that they can to prove that they too can learn to dance like Brazilians. If those women are like me they fail miserably. Before I left Atlanta I was with my best friend at “Latin night” at a popular Atlanta nightclub when a man came up and approached me. Before he could get in a word I said, “oh, I am sorry, I really can’t dance”. He responded with “Oh, I KNOW you can’t dance. All I had to do was look at you to know you can’t dance! But, I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you look!”. All I could do was laugh!
Here in Brazil many people are putting aside their samba moves and picking up the hip hop and
break-dance moves popular in cities across the U.S. One of the most popular programs at EPC (Cooperative Popular School) Ombreira is the hip hop club, Fresh Dance, which meets for 2 hours every Saturday and Sunday morning. These guys are amazing!! Whenever I walk in to the room they are learning something new- a new way to stand on their hands and spin around, a creative way to position their hands under their back so they can support their entire bodies, or some new steps to help connect each trick. And, these things aren’t easy!! I should know- I try to join them... but like samba, I don't have much luck!
Like every other group that meets in the PRECE EPCs the hip hop club is filled with energy and
excitement despite the lack of materials, the use of music from the 90s and early 2000s and fact that they have no space to call their own. These are the things that might cause an American group to give up hope before ever beginning, but they do not deter these hip hop lovers. The boys are there religiously doing what they love and learning from one another. The hope is that one day they will be able to form a formal hip hop dance troupe, perform for others and set an example for the positive impact music and dance can have on the lives on young people. This of course, requires help from others- financial support for materials and strong examples from other groups who can share their wisdom and experiences. Fresh Dance members know that all of this will come in time and they are beginning to look for organizations with which they can partner and share experiences. But, for now they are excited to have the community that develops when they gather together to dance, and they are thankful to have the support of EPC Ombreira and a location to test out their new moves!
If you know of a hip hop organization in the U.S. that would be interested in partnering with Fresh Dance or are interested in getting involved and supporting this group please email
Here in Brazil many people are putting aside their samba moves and picking up the hip hop and
Like every other group that meets in the PRECE EPCs the hip hop club is filled with energy and
If you know of a hip hop organization in the U.S. that would be interested in partnering with Fresh Dance or are interested in getting involved and supporting this group please email
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