Think back to the last time you had to take a test... a big test... one that would determine your future. You probably walked in to a cold room- not just the temperature but also the environment- with lines of desks and chairs. If you took the test recently each desk probably had a computer waiting for you. Gripped in your sweaty hands was nothing more than a freshly sharpened #2 pencil and your identification. The receptionist who greeted you was polite and gracious but definitely not friendly and she/he probably didn't do much to ease your anxiety over the impending test. Most likely, your heart was racing and your throat was dry. The environment of the test didn't do much to boost your confidence or set your mind at ease.
Now imagine how differently you would have felt if you had gone to a "pre-test party" designed to help ease your anxieties and show you that an entire community was supporting you. That is what happened Saturday for the students in and around the county of Pentecoste. The ENEM (university entrance exam) took place all over Brazil this weekend. The first part of the test began at 12 noon on Saturday and lasted until 5 p.m. The second part of the test began at 12 noon on Sunday and again lasted all afternoon. Knowing that the students would be anxious and would need motivation and support the PRECE students and UFC Cooperative Learning students gathered together to throw a "pre-test party".
The sight was truly inspiring. Over 150 university students were present showing their support and encouragement for the students who would take the test, and nearly 700 students taking the test arrived for the event. When the students taking the ENEM arrived they received a t-shirt and a kit with a pen, chocolate and a note with words of encouragement. Then, university students joined together with groups with 10-15 students taking the ENEM to share information about the upcoming test. They also shared information about their own experience taking the test and about university life. This was a chance for the students to ask questions, gain clarity, relax a bit and receive support from others who had gone through the testing process not long ago.

After meeting in small groups for about 30 minutes the entire group joined together and received words of encouragement from Prof. Manoel Andrade, Mauricio Holanda, the VP Secretary of Education, and other leaders. These individuals wished the students luck but also complimented the students and their parents on the great achievements they had already made. What an inspiration to have the VP Secretary of Education and other leaders arrive and show support!!!!
The gathering concluded with lunch where students were able to relax a bit knowing that they had a healthy meal before 5 hours of testing. When the students departed to take the test they left knowing that they were encouraged by hundreds of others and that as they took the test they would not be alone. Many supporters would be standing with them, supporting them and praying for them. Imagine the difference this made as the students entered their testing centers. Their sweaty palms and dry throat eased with the realization that an entire community is standing in solidarity with them. The support, encouragement and sense of community provided that morning exemplified the spirit of PRECE and that spirit is what makes all the difference.
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