"Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”
- Albert Camus
When many North American Christians think about the word “mission” their minds immediately drift to ways that they can help another- giving money, building homes, painting and refurbishing broken down buildings. These actions are all great and much needed, but they are missing the relational part of “mission”. Others view “mission” differently. I believe that I was blessed to work in a church that viewed “mission” as a partnership in which all partners are equals and walk hand in hand developing joint goals and projects. It is not a relationship where one gives and the other receives but rather a partnership in which all individuals have a voice and a place at the table.
Yesterday the leaders and students at the High School and Professional School in Pentecoste, team
at ADEL and students at PRECE EPCs welcomed two North American partners from First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta, GA. Rose Emily Bermudez , the Director of Mission at FPC, and Brant Ferrell, the Chair of the Brazil Committee, are devoted to the work that is being done in Brazil via PRECE and a variety of Presbyterian Churches in and around Fortaleza. And, they are striving to get more people involved in the partnership.
While at EEEP Pentecoste they met with Prof Manoel Andrade, Director Elton Luz and Educational Coordinators Tony Ramos Ribeiro and Ednaldo Firmiano as well as students who are preparing for high school. Three students led them around the school and with pride showed them the classes, presented teachers and fellow students and taught our visitors about the cooperative learning methodology. Students had the opportunity to ask questions of Brant and Rose Emily and to share
their experiences. The thing that Brant and Rose Emily were most impressed with was the enthusiasm and motivation these students had for learning. They were taking time out of their day (when not at their “normal” school) to study and better their chances at receiving a good education. Brant and Rose Emily were overwhelmed by the dedication they saw within the students. It is the same dedication, motivation and enthusiasm that always amazes North Americans when they visit the PRECE communities and ADEL projects.
As Rose Emily and Brant continued through their day visiting PRECE EPCs and ADEL leaders this same theme of dedication and motivation to improve the reality in the impoverished communities of Ceará was evident. Every where they went we sat in a circle facing one another having an open and honest discussion. In all ways each participant had a place at the table and had a voice which was heard. The
feeling of partnership and solidarity was palpable. As I listened to both North Americans and Brasilians sharing ideas and knowledge I was reminded of a quote by Albert Camus – “Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” This friendship and equal respect for one another is exactly what I witnessed yesterday as the people of Pentecoste welcomed two North Americans with love, acceptance and joy … and as the North Americans listened in amazement and support to the stories, questions, and ideas of the PRECE students, ADEL leaders, and EEEP Pentecoste leaders and students. I am grateful for the opportunity to watch relationships built on equal respect grow and flourish.
- Albert Camus
Yesterday the leaders and students at the High School and Professional School in Pentecoste, team
While at EEEP Pentecoste they met with Prof Manoel Andrade, Director Elton Luz and Educational Coordinators Tony Ramos Ribeiro and Ednaldo Firmiano as well as students who are preparing for high school. Three students led them around the school and with pride showed them the classes, presented teachers and fellow students and taught our visitors about the cooperative learning methodology. Students had the opportunity to ask questions of Brant and Rose Emily and to share
As Rose Emily and Brant continued through their day visiting PRECE EPCs and ADEL leaders this same theme of dedication and motivation to improve the reality in the impoverished communities of Ceará was evident. Every where they went we sat in a circle facing one another having an open and honest discussion. In all ways each participant had a place at the table and had a voice which was heard. The
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