Though they might not believe it and I don’t always show it, my family is the single most important thing in my life. My sister, Kristin, is my heart and soul and she understands me better than anyone else in this world. And, my parents are my guiding lights, my North Star in the dark night. There is famous quote- “The best gifts parents can give children are both roots and wings.” I am firmly grounded in the roots of love, service, peace and joy that my parents provided me, but I soar on the wings of faith they gifted me.
So, it meant the world to me that they travelled to Brasil to

visit not only me but also to know better why I feel called me live and work here. Over the past two weeks I was so excited to present the PRECE movement and the new High School and Professional school to them… and also present them to the PRECE students and English students at the High School and Professional school. And, though the oppressive desert heat, the long car rides along dirt roads and the cold showers were not exactly what they had in mind for a family vacation they were excited to get to know PRECE and impressed with all they witnessed.
My family, being the “troopers” that they are followed my normal (well, a slightly watered

version) teaching schedule. They visited each PRECE EPC where they taught English classes and visited with communities. They also helped teach at the new PRECE administered High School and Professional School in Pentecoste. As we left each location my dad gave a speech that went a little like this:
“First, I want to thank you for taking care of my daughter, Kacy. It is difficult for us to be so far away from her, but we know that she is safe with you. Second, I want to tell you how impressed I am with you. I was a teacher for more than 30 years in the United States and it is refreshing to meet young

people who don’t take their education for granted, but fight for the opportunities to study and improve their reality. I am encouraged to see the way you are taking responsibility not only for your own future but also the future of everyone around you. Congratulations and keep up the good work.”
It was the same speech for every class, but it came from the bottom of his heart and was filled with sentiments of true astonishment and respect for the progress PRECE is making and at the way PRECE is improving the reality of impoverished communities in Ceará.

On the last night my family was here we had dinner with Prof. Manoel Andrade and Ana Maria. While all of the women were chitchatting on one end of the table I listened in on my dad’s conversation with Andrade. My dad was speaking about how impressed he was with not only the young children to give up their Saturday mornings to study at the Cooperative Learning Schools of PRECE and the youth who live at the PRECE EPCs while studying for the ENEM (university entrance exam) but more so with the university students who return to their home communities each weekend to teach others about the discipline they are studying. This is the same thing that

all North Americans say when they first experience PRECE. We all recount stories of our weekends in college- Frat parties until sun rise, tailgating at football games, sleeping until 2 p.m. on Sunday mornings, putting off studying for exams until the night before. None of that included taking a 2 hour bus ride back to our hometowns to teach young children and youth. None of what we experienced on the weekends during college was about giving of ourselves to better the lives of another. None of it was altruistic. All of what PRECE does is altruistic. My father completed his comments by saying, “PRECE isn’t about the student improving his or her own reality. It is about helping to improve the reality of everyone else. It is about knowing that our work isn’t complete until everyone has succeeded. It is about community.”

It was obvious to see that the PRECE movement had deeply impressed my father.
Of course, we worked in some time for fun and friends also!
Our first hosts, Carlos, Tine and Isabela made my family feel welcomed and at home in Brasil as we spent the weekend at their ranch/beach home enjoying delicious dishes prepared by Carlos and great conversation with friends.
And, we were so thankful for the hospitality of the Alves Teixeira family, the Andrade family and Dona Marta who invited us to their homes for meals while in the interior. Thank you!
Luckily, the Wednesday that my family was here was a holiday and we went to Lagoinha with my friends Bianca and Maira, and Maira’s mother. Bianca and Maira are friends from Capoeira and are German so we love to explore Ceará together.
The Oliveira’s welcomed us to their home and treated us to dinner one night when we were in Fortaleza. It was a pleasure for my mom and dad to meet the rest of the Oliveira family as they had already met Pastor Aureo when he stayed at their home in July.
Fortaleza and Lagoinha weren’t enough, we took a trip to Jericoarcoara, a world renowned beach and National Preserve. There, with PRECE student and good friend Maraiza we enjoyed 3 days of relaxing on the beach, watching incredible sunsets, drinking fresh tropical juices and enjoying paradise!
All in all, it was an incredible visit.