I have a friend who I am constantly relying on for help to complete this task or that task or some other bizarre emergency. With a smile on his face he always responds with a movie quote “it fica feliz em ajudar” which in English means “I am happy to help”. And, the fact of the matter is that he really is happy to do whatever it is I need because he truly gains joy and satisfaction from helping others. Whereas I and most other Americans I know would get frustrated, start making excuses about the other more pressing tasks we have to accomplish and roll our eyes at our seemingly helpless friends, the Brasilians have a different perspective. They, as a people, amaze me with their willingness to put aside their own desires and work for the betterment of others and the betterment of the community.

One of the most beautiful things in the world is watching as persons help others to discover their own knowledge, their own abilities and their own truth. This past weekend more than 100 PRECE university students as well as UFC students who participate in the Cooperative Learning program travelled to Pentecoste to participate in the SuperAção ENEM event which took place before the ENEM (University Entrance Exam). There were 650 students who participated in the event along with many parents and other communities. It was a time when the university students were able to tell the ENEM participants about their experiences studying at the university, answer any and all questions about the exam, and help the students to relax and enter the testing room with a sense of calm. But, most importantly the University

students showed the students that they were supported by a great network of people who knew their anxieties and frustrations and were standing by their side in support and solidarity. It was a moment built on collaboration and a desire to support one another. The instinctive nature of the Brasilian people to help their neighbor never ceases to amaze me.
Below are a few quotes from participants taken from the SuperAção ENEM blog:

“I adored it! Congratulations on the success of the event. It is that makes me believe that Pentecoste can be a place of great men. Thanks to the education and to the people who believe that education is the formula to transform the world. Great harvest, friends!” Rosimere Silva
“Ah… I loved SuperAção ENEM, especially when we were in the classrooms [with the university students], that was really cool. And, even better were the people… I loved it! I want more events like this!” Jessica Gamah
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