Studying at PRECE

Studying at PRECE
Students from PRECE study together under the juazeiro tree in small groups using cooperative learning

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

1st Cooperative Learning Conference in Ceara

The past two days were filled with love, laughter, pride, appreciation and a great sense of solidarity and community. The Federal University of Ceara, in partnership with PRECE and the Secretary of Education in Ceara hosted the first ever Cooperative Learning conference!

The conference boasted presentations from PRECE student leaders, COFAC students at UFC, teachers at the new Professional School in Pentecoste, and a round table composed of UFC professors, SEDUC teachers and other leaders in the educational community. Each presentation was unique as each showed how the different communities are using the methodology of cooperative learning in their own special way. The PRECE students talked about the history of their EPCs, the difficulties they have overcome and some that they still face, and the projects they have developed. Their experience of informal cooperative learning outside the classroom is changing individual lives, the entire county of Pentecoste and now spreading throughout northeast Brasil. The COFAC students talked about their experiences facilitating groups of peers and their joy in developing something that is improving the entire university. They are helping to pave the way for something brand new and dynamic. And, the teachers spoke about their experiences implementing cooperative learning in the classroom. They shared their stresses as well as successes and showed how the climate of the school and the relationships between the students is flourishing. The school, a project of UFC, SEDUC and PRECE is the first to formally use cooperative learning within the classroom here in Ceara, Brasil.

The most beautiful part of the conference was watching how the participants supported and encouraged each other during their presentations. It was truly cooperative learning in action. Not only can the presenters talk about their experiences using cooperative learning, but they live the methodology in all that they do. It was my great pleasure to be surrounded by such a sense of cooperation, solidarity and love.

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