For those who visited the original PRECE location in Cipo many years ago they were not so much impressed with the structure as they were the people and the spirit of the PRECE movement. Their hearts were immediately warmed by the youth who dedicated their free time to studying and helping others to pass the university entrance exam. Visitors were fascinated by how much developed from what seemed like so little. They knew at first glance that PRECE was a place built on faith and gratitude rather than tangible resources.
The same was true when PRECE leaders first began working at the Institute in Fortaleza. It was an older building that needed some serious reformation. But, just like the old abandoned flour mill in Cipo the structure didn´t make as much of a different as the spirit of the people. For years the Institute has served as a gathering place for PRECE leaders and university students. Meetings are held there. Study groups for those hoping to enter the university take place there. Departures for the rural areas leave from there. It is truly a hub of activity and creativity.
Over time both the old flour mill and the Institute have undergone tranformations. A pavilian was built in Cipo, a computer lab was established, the kitchen and bathrooms were upgraded and the bedrooms were improved. The Institute has also received small improvements over the years.
But, I was truly blown away by what a saw when I visited the Institute on Friday morning. Everything has been completely transformed. One side of the building is a full auditorium. On the other there are offices for many people and collective work areas for groups. A special area has been set aside for communications/marketing and another for those who work with cooperative learning throughout the state of Ceara. And to top it all off, a beautiful garden has been planted, tables decorated and a creative atmosphere has arisen. Much of this tranformation has been made possible because of the strong partnership with SEDUC (Secretary of Education) but an even greater part is because of PRECE's foundation in faith and gratitude. None of this growth would have been possible if the PRECE participants did not walk by faith and live through gratitude. No matter how much PRECE develops, the founding principles are still present in everything that happens.
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